Showing posts from September, 2022

Surah Al Insyirah Ayat 5

Nama Al Alaa diambil dari kata Al Alaa yang terdapat pada ayat pertama berarti Yang Paling Tinggi. Al-Quran Surat Al-Al…

Maksud Leng Chai

Malaysia which has interests in finance food and property. Leng Zai comes from the Cantonese word ้šไป” which means handso…

Permohonan Ke Luar Negara

Sistem ini bertujuan untuk memohon kelulusan perjalanan ke luar negara bagi urusan rasmi atau persendirian mengikut tat…

How to Calculate Effective Interest Rate

The effective annual interest rate is the interest rate that is actually earned or paid on an investment loan or other …